As 2021 thankfully approaches, it is that inevitable time when we as humans reflect on the past year. In addition to reflecting, we resolve to make changes. Changes for the better, changes that will improve our world and the one in which we live. It is also a time to celebrate, though in these times it may seem to some like there is not much to celebrate.
There is though- there is so much to celebrate, I assure you! I have watched the world adapt in ways that I had never thought possible. I have seen innovation, generosity, ingenuity, and so much more in this world.
I am in such awe of the ways and the lengths educators have gone to in order to engage students in an environment that would have seemed like the plot of a dystopian sci-fi movie nine short months ago.
At this time, I choose to focus on all of the good and all of the positivity that has come from this time. People now know how very important it is to spend time with family.